Chosen as Britain's favourite mammal, the Western European hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus ) is cute and charismatic, but these prickly animals are in worrying decline. Hedgehogs are unmistakeable nocturnal mammals; they 20-25cm long, weigh up to 1.2kg, and are covered in around 6000 yellow tipped spines. Hedgehog spines are made from keratin and used for defence - if threatened, a hedgehog will curl up into a prickly ball by contracting a muscle which runs around it's body. The primary predators of hedgehogs are badgers, though hoglets are also at risk of predation from foxes, and in some places tawny owls, golden eagles, pine martens, weasels, stoats and rats. Hedgehogs themselves are also predators, and emerge at night to eat a variety of invertebrate prey. The species makeup of hedgehog's a diet will vary throughout the year, but incudes earthworms, slugs, and beetles, and sometimes carrion and the eggs of ground nesting birds. As they hunt in darkness, hedgehogs don...