Common Toad

One of only 7 amphibian species native to the UK, the common toad ( Bufo bufo ) is widespread but undergoing severe declines. Their distribution spans the entirety of mainland Britain and some islands, but they are not present in Ireland. Unlike frogs, common toads don't live in exclusively wet habitat, and can be found in woodland, gardens, hedgerows and tussocky grassland. They create shallow burrows they return to for the day after foraging in darkness. Their diet is varied and can comprise of insect larvae, worms, slugs and sometimes even small grass snakes, slow worms and harvest mice. From November to February common toads hibernate either in log piles, leaf litter or their burrows. Common toads have copper-coloured eyes and warty skin which can vary in colour from dark brown to grey, olive green, or sandy coloured. Though they don't always live near water year-round, toads do need to return to a water body to breed. Each year common toads migrate back to their spawning ...