The Queen of the Forest
Beech Fagus sylvatica Moving to a new place for university has been an exciting experience, but of course there will always be things I miss from home. One of those things is my local woodland, a mosaic of ancient semi-natural woodland and plantation, in which grow many tree species. On the northern side of the woodland is an area my family call 'cathedral wood' - here, beech is the dominant species, their trunks creating towering columns holding up the high canopy. Naturally, this was the first place I went once I was home for Christmas, as beech trees are not only beautiful, but fascinating, and are important resources for other wildlife. A predominantly beech woodland Native to much of mainland Europe and southern England and Wales, beech is now widespread Great Britain. The leaves are oval shaped, with a pointed tip and undulating edges. They emerge in spring a pale green with hairs on their margins and lower surface. As they mature, the leaves become a darke...